In this hyper aging society, social workers and other staff members supporting elders are facing increasingly complex challenges with enormous responsibilities. I am grateful to have supported the design and implementation of a 150 staff retreat full day training workshop for the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.
Their enthusiasm, teamwork, and innovative ideas are fascinating!
感恩能協辦聖公會長者中心綜隊150人的退修日, 過程聽得最多的,就是他們的初衷,不論年齡、不論性別、不論工作崗位,都不忘初心, 以創新為工具,以人為本為基石,共同努力、共創共融!
在這人口高速老化的社會,更能突顯長者服務的重要性, 社工及社福界其他工作人員的擔子愈來愈重、 挑戰愈來愈大。