Founder, Career Coach,
Business Sustainability Consultant,
Long time mindfulness practitioner & caregiver

United Nations SDGs
About the ebook


Having read this brilliant book, it has already proven invaluable in helping me to find my hidden potential and being my best self. Furthermore, the clear writing style and engaging use of colours and illustrations have completely grabbed my attention and led me to enjoy this book wonderfully!
There will always be a perfectly imperfect career for each one of us, but I’m sure that this book will guide you well on your journey to discovering and creating your future.
For those of you who feel uncertain about your career plan; and those who are in search for meaning in your work; you should not miss this e-book by Amy Yeung.
Written with an earnest desire to support early careers, Amy managed to bring so much inspiring stories together. It is easy to read and full of useful working tips!
Borrowing a quote from Steve Jobs “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle."
Everyone is lonely in his or her own career, because there is no one exactly as same as yourself. There are so many challenges in your career ahead, some ups and some downs, however, no one can give you an exact advice or comment because no one is at your same situation.
This Guidebook is not going to tell you the answer, but help you to understand yourself more, to help you to find out your strength and weaknesses, so that you can advise yourself to step forward with the most optimum way!
Vicki Lu, University Student, Singapore
Ruby Tam, Career Consultant
Keith Chan, Founder, Hintegro
Guest Critique, PolyU School of Design

Thanks Saadia Usmani for having us on the 123 Show on RTHK!
We talked about our free ebook “Career Planning in Times of Uncertainty” with two of the contributors Elise Wong and Phoebe Chow.
It was a lovely chat with pleasant surprises and also some touching moments! Elise and Phoebe have kindly shared their personal painful experience and insightful tips. I am sure you will be inspired by their transformation!