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Founder, Career Coach,
Business Sustainability Consultant,
Long time mindfulness practitioner & caregiver

United Nations SDGs

Is your company resilient to sustainability challenges?
Is your company ready to combine sustainability with profitability?
How might you balance purpose with business intent to have a greater impact on your staff and clients?
What is happening globally and in Hong Kong!

Hyper aging population
Burnout epidemic
Increasingly complex social and environmental challenges
Make organizational resilience your competitive advantage!

“Research shows we can influence our happiness,” Silvia Garcia, speaking at the 2017 Global Wellness Summit.

What can we do to help people gain clarity faster in the chaotic environment?
How to build trust quickly with people who are important to us?
How to cultivate a sense of hope?
To address and tackle the above issues and avoid burnout,
Inside Out Wellness focuses on three themes:
Generation Z

Sandwich Generation

Generation Z

Sandwich Generation
Golden Age Generation

Golden Age Generation


What did the participants say
About Inside Out Action and the Founder

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