Delighted to present my “Three Principles of Leadership in Times of Crisis” to a large group of future leaders in a Master Program of a local university.
So I grasped the opportunity to test their adaptability and resilience and the result was 👍
I am pleased that they like my presentation style and the simple & effective tools/assessments that I developed, as well as the reflective questions:
As a leader, how would you like to show up in crisis?
As a leader, what do you need to achieve in crisis?
最近多了網上活動,其中一個項目是與一大班未來領袖分享我的「危機中的領導力」。這是一個本地大學的碩士生課程,咁就趁機測試他們的應變能力 adaptability 及抗逆力 resilience, 結果係 👍
事後收到大量回饋, 除了喜歡我的風格、我設計的簡單而實用的工具及自我評估外,最令我喜出望外的是,有人形容我為風趣幽默 😍
Inside Out Action 雞毛掃行動 is a co-create platform bringing CLARITY and EMOTIONAL WELLNESS to people, organizations and communities through coaching, wellness workshops, business sustainability consultancy and impactful social good projects, so as to release their purpose and passion.
Inside Out Action: https://lnkd.in/feAkdBE
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